Clear vision without surgery, glasses, or daytime contacts.

What if you could correct your eyesight and reduce your dependence on corrective lenses, all while you sleep?

It may sound impossible. But for many, it's a reality with orthokeratology (ortho-k).

Request an appointment to learn more.

What is orthokeratology?

Ortho-k uses specially designed, gas permeable contact lenses to temporarily reshape your cornea while you sleep.

The result is clear vision when you wake up and remove the lenses the following day. And that effect should last throughout the day.

The change in the shape of the cornea, as well as the vision correction you experience, will revert when you stop using the lenses.

What visual problems can Ortho-K correct?

Ortho-K is most commonly used to temporarily correct myopia (nearsightedness). In some cases, it can be used to correct lesser degrees of astigmatism and farsightedness.

Did you know that ortho-k could help significantly reduce the chance of your child developing blinding eye conditions due to near-sightedness?

What is near-sightedness?

Near-sightedness, called myopia, is when objects are clear up close but blurry in the distance with one or both eyes. It is a result of abnormal lengthening of the eye. This lengthening process causes structures in the eye to stretch and change beyond what is natural for the eye’s anatomy. These changes have been shown repeatedly in studies to significantly increase the risk of blinding eye conditions.

Long-term risks of children with high myopia

  • 5x the risk of early cataracts
  • 14x the risk of glaucoma
  • 22x the risk of retinal detachments
  • 41x the risk of maculopathy

The effects of near-sightedness, or myopia, are not simply alleviated through glasses or contact lenses. With or without glasses or contact lenses, myopia typically progresses throughout the growth of the child and usually stabilizes after the teenage years.

How can I help my child?

Orthokeratology is an FDA-approved contact lens that helps slow the abnormal growth of the eye through a process called myopia control. Over the last 10 years, orthokeratology has been shown in scientific studies to decrease myopia progression by 40-50%. This volume of myopia reduction will significantly decrease your child’s risk of developing the blinding eye conditions associated with high levels of myopia.

The orthokeratology contact lens is worn only while sleeping and is specifically approved for safe overnight wear. At Studio 20/20, we primarily utilize the Paragon CRT lens, as its safety and effectiveness have been extensively studied.

Who is a good candidate for Ortho-K?

Only your eye care provider can answer that question. However, most people with mild to moderate myopia are good candidates. The treatment is highly preferred for people who have issues wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Our doctors are accepting patients daily to determine candidacy! There are no age restrictions for myopia control. Children as young as five or six can begin therapy. Even patients who simply want to be free from glasses during the day could be candidates, as well. Making your child's appointment could positively impact their long-term eye health.

Patient Experiences with Ortho-K

Schedule an appointment today at one of our convenient locations!